Show labels over fields By default, R2 Docuo displays the labels with the name of the fields to the left of their content: However,...
Configure a multiline text field to match your content In R2 Docuo, it is possible to configure a text field to occupy several lines. When this occurs, the system...
Create Buttons in the details window This article explains how to create buttons in the details window of a category to execute actions when a user...
Display a system field in a group other than “Properties”. Some data fields in Docuo are called “system” because they are common to all document categories. Typically these fields are...
How to create an associative tab Document categories in Docuo can be related to each other by means of Drop-Down List to Other Category (LDAOC) fields....
Have related documents deleted “in cascade”. Docuo allows you to relate documents to each other by means of fields of type Drop-down List to Other Category....
Set a maximum size for images uploaded to Docuo Users can upload files of any size and type to Docuo. Often, when these files are photos (e.g. uploaded from...
Show, hide and sort tabs in the detail window The document details window in Docuo is organized in tabs: System tabs These tabs exist in all documents: Tabs created...