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  4. Configure a multiline text field to match your content

Configure a multiline text field to match your content

In R2 Docuo, it is possible to configure a text field to occupy several lines.

When this occurs, the system allows you to specify how many lines the field should occupy when it is drawn in the detail window.

The configured lines do not limit the length of the text stored in the field, they only determine the height that the text box occupies when the detail window is drawn. If you enter text with more lines than the set number of lines, a vertical scroll bar appears.

Setting a text field to grow automatically

In the “Options” tab of a text type field, it is possible to set the “Multiline” property so that the field will automatically grow to show all its contents:

When this option is enabled, the control will initially display a space equivalent to three lines of text, but will grow as longer content is entered.

Updated on 18 de March de 2024
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